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What is magnetism ?



Magnetism transmits energy, and restores harmony and balance between body, soul and spirit.

It is a transmission of energy from one individual to another, whatever the distance between them. It's a natural method. 

Magnetism is an effective complement to traditional medicine, however it should only be considered as a method of accompaniment  in the context of a medical follow-up. Under no circumstances should a current treatment be stopped during the magnetism sessions.



What is a magnetizer ?

The magnetizer receives the universal energy in which we live and transmits it to all those who lack of it.

He does not heal, he gives back the energy he receives. This magnetic fluid then increases vibrations deficient of the person, calms or stimulates, restores the harmony between the body and the soul.

A magnetizer or healer is above all a caring and generous person who listens to the other. 

What is the purpose of the Floral Elixirs Council ?

The goal of the Council in floral elixirs is to bring comfort in life, a reharmonization, a well-being to a person who asks for help following an emotional disharmony by using food supplement, without danger and without side effects.

What is harmonization of the Chakras ?

The harmonization of the Chakras is an absolutely natural technique of laying on of hands which calls for the Universal Energy. The main goal is to allow the energy of the main Chakras to benefit from harmonious combination between them.

This harmonization has multiple positive effects. One can feel more vitality, a decrease of stress, serenity, a release of repressed emotions, a great relaxation, etc....


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