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At home

I come to your home after making an appointment.
You have nothing special to do I come with my equipment (table care)
I will just ask you to remove your  shoes, jewelry and belt if it is metal made.

Distance session

I work on photo regardless of the distance between us following an interview by mail or phone.

Conduct of a session

It lasts from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the problem and the proposed care.

It always starts with an exchange during which you will explain to me the reasons that motivated the making of the appointment. You will tell me about your medical history and I will explain to you which energetic technique I use (imposition of hands, magnetic passes, breath, etc...)

The treatment takes place sitting or lying down but always dressed and without any particular product.

Several sessions may be necessary depending on the lasting of your energy problem.

Conduct of a session of Bach Flower Counselling

I will ask you questions about your feelings, your emotions, your

limiting thoughts.

I will use four different questionnaires to precisely define which of the 38 Bach flowers will be adapted to your case.

Conduct of a reharmonization session of Chakras

During a reharmonization session, you will be lying on the treatment table, dressed but without any jewelry.

I'll place my hands above you, without touching you, and let the energy operate.....

The care by magnetism is not medical, in any way it replaces the diagnosis and the following done by your doctor


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